History: A 20 Y.O male patient reported to ER with a complaint feeling generally unwell, painful orbital swelling and dropping of RT upper eye lid. Past history revealed recurrent attack of URTI, multiple oral episode of dental abscess and multiple bone fracture. He was diagnosed previously as having osteopetrosis (OP) since childhood. Family history was negative for OP.

 On examination:
• VA:....................OD:20/20................................OS:20/20
• IOP:.................. OD: 17 mmHg..................... OS: 16 mmHg
.The clinical examination showed (OD) :
1- Painful erythematous diffuse periorbital swelling.
2- Ptosis .
3- Proptosis .
4- Restriction of and pain with ocular motility
.Color vision OD was 2/15 no rAPD but disc margin is blury with tortous blood vessels.
- Patient admitted and treated then discharge and given appointment but he did not show up. After 8 months he came with NLP OD and positve rAPD.
.To get access to the patient's figures including fundus and CT scan images press on the title of this post..
Q1: what are the findings shown in figures and what is the cause of NLP ?
Q2: What is your diagnosis and how are you going to manage such a case?
Try to answer previous questions then go and download your powerpoint presentation of the case including diagnosis, management and discussion from the link:.

This case was presented to you by Dr. R. Al-Huthail . (Thanks Dr. R. Al-Huthail)
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