History: 50-year-old female pateint presented to emergency room with three weeks history of protrusion of right eye and decreased vision which markedly drop in the last five days . She is diabetic on oral hypoglycemic agent and she has no significant past ocular history.

On examination:

-VA: ............- IOP:........ - Hertel Exophthalmometer:

OD: 3/300 ... ... OD: 18 mmHg.............OD = 22 mm
OS: 20/50........ OS: 16 mmHg..............OS = 18 mm

Slit lamp examination of anterior segment of both eyes was within normal apart from immature cataract in both eyes . Dilated fundus exam of the left eye was normal but exam of the right eye showed slighly elevated optic disc. Radiological studies were done and can be accesed by pressing on the title of this post.

Q1: what are D/D that you should look for?
Q2: How are you going to manage such a case?

Try to answer previous questions then go and download your powerpoint presentation of the case -including diagnosis, management as well as differential diagnosis and discussion- from the following link:

This case was presented to you by Dr. S.Al-Rashidi . (Thanks Dr. S. Al-Rashidi )

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